Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead

Ladies and Gentlemen ... I have been inspired!

Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead and the inspirational Joe (the juicer) Cross highlights the benefits of eating, or rather drinking, real food ... As in unprocessed and fully natural ...  Who would have thought a concept so simple could be so true or so positive!

I so want to do this ... as much to prove to myself that I can do it and as much to lose more weight ... This might be the kicker I need to get me under 100 kgs ... Stayed tuned ... it all starts this weekend!

See more ....

Monday, December 3, 2012

So What's Next?

So What's Next? You might ask ... short answer is, I don't really know, but I am open to suggestions.  I am thinking of taking a week off and recovering to see what effect returning to normal actually has on on me.

Today for example, I had toast with butter for breakfast ... a no no on the Chemical Diet.  I followed it up with a steak sandwich for lunch followed by a roast chicken dinner with salad.  I also had a diet coke and a flavoured water.  All up I would say it's probably a slightly healthier version of a typical day for me.

It will be very interesting to see what effect that has on the weight situation.  One thing is for certain, I do not want to cave in and eat chocolate, nor do I want to drink the full sugar Coke that I used to ... I need to make adjustments.  The government ran an obesity campaign here in Australia a few years ago called ... SWAP IT ... I think that's what I will do ... I will swap out some of the bad things and replace them with healthy alternatives .... instead of hot chips (fries) I will have a salad on the side.

Diets are great, but being realistic, unless it is something that you can stick to long term, then they don't stand a chance.  Imagine if I had of made a straight line to MacDonalds or KFC for breakfast on the fast day back after dieting ... it would have just been unwise ... Speaking of KFC ... see below for the latest heart stoping (but delicious looking and yes I want one) monstrosity.  The KFC Double ... scary ... I think I'm getting fatter just looking at it.  Don't give in to this mouth watering temptation!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

The official Weigh In

After seven days on the diet I have lost 5.6kgs .... A good effort and one that feels worthwhile ...

The Chemical Diet - Completed!

It's official ... I have officially completed all meals on the Chemical Diet.  Like all diets that take you out of your normal eating routine and habits  I have to say ... it was tough ... if I never see another egg, it will be to soon!

Having said that, I managed to stick to the diet almost in its entirety .. there were some life issues that got in the way, but I felt that I managed them well and responsibly.  The only thing that remains for me now is the weigh in.  I will be doing this in the morning at the same time as all the other ones ... that way I have a consistency.  I would really love to drop at least 5 kgs, but 6 or 7 would be great.  Only a good night sleep will tell.

Would I recommend this diet ... YES ... but only if you are prepared for the fact that it's hard and it won't be easy

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Day 7 ... The Last Day

I am determined that going into my last day on this diet I will absolutely stick to it.  On the menu today is;

Day 7 Breakfast 2 scrambled eggs, grilled tomatoes
Lunch 2 Poached eggs& spinach
Dinner Grilled steak & salad

I can do this!  Will let know how I go and post my final weigh in details tomorrow.

Day 6 ... The Wheels Feel Off ...

It started well then went down hill quickly.  I had to go to a social function today and it was very, very hard to make good decisions.  Let me cut straight to the point.  Here is what I was supposed to have had on Day 6;

Day 6 Breakfast 1 boiled egg, 1 glass grapefruit juice
Lunch Fresh fruit (any amount)
Dinner Roast chicken, cabbage, carrots

Here is what I actually had on Day 6

Day 6 Breakfast 1 boiled egg, 1 grapefruit (off to a good start)
Lunch 300g Eye Fillet Steak (no sauce, no chips just salad on the side), a beer (yes a beer), a diet Coke
Dinner Roast Chicken (cooked to perfection by my beautiful wife), a litte bit of stuffing, salad.

The result was no weight loss yesterday at all .... as in 0 .....  was it worth it?  Absolutely ... good times with friends and family for no net gain.  Was it in line with the diet ... absolutely not ... but I still think I made good decisions.  Let me know your thoughts.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Day 5 ... Did I Just Cheat Today? ..

The answer is maybe.  You see, today I had a team lunch and inevitably I had to order something.  I searched the menu for something healthy and i came up with the following;

It's a Coffee Club Citrus Salad ... It's not bad and actually tastes great ... Is it cheating ... YES ... Of course it is, but sometimes life gets in the way of even the best laid plans.  I went to lunch with my team and made a good choice ...

I didn't buy a cheeseburger, I didn't buy hot chips (French Fries for my American friends), I bought a healthy grilled chicken and salad option and surprise, surprise I loved it!

I am very conscious though that it will no doubt have an impact on my weigh in number in just 2 days time.  I feel that my decision was a good one, but time will only tell.  Let me know your thoughts in the comments ... good decision or bad?

Kirstie Alley ... Amazing Weight Loss At 60 ...

First of all, I can't believe Kirsty Alley is 60 ... WOW ...

Check out her story at the link below.  She's talking up her Organic Liaison business which looks pretty cool .... Let me know your thoughts ... Should I try it?

As I go through my own weight loss journey I look for people and things that help inspire me ...  You should do this to ...

Today when things got a little tough, I found this one, and it reminded me that it's never to late to start ... it's never to late to take that first step .... and you're never to old!  Go Kirstie .....

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Day 5 Menu ... More Eggs!

What can I say ... I like eggs ... but seriously ... more eggs!

Day 5 Breakfast 1 slice dry toast, 2 poached eggs
Lunch 2 poached eggs & tomatoes
Dinner Fresh or tinned fish and salad

Looking forward to fish for dinner.  It will be the first real change on this diet with something new.  After today, it's only two more days to go!  Can anyone please suggest what I should try next ... I need to keep the momentum going!

Day 5 ... Sneaky weigh In!

I know I should wait until the end of the seven days, but I'm itching to know my progress.  So here goes ......

103.9 kgs (229lbs) ... that means in 4 days I have lost 3.8 kgs (nearly 1 kg a day) or 8.4 lbs ... So happy with these numbers.

I'm impressed by this given just four short days ago I weighed 107.7 kgs (237.4 lbs).  I think this is an awesome result especially given that all I have really done is follow the diet.  Other than one small walk, I haven't even exercised!

This makes my goal of getting under 100 kgs (220 lbs) feel really achievable. If I haven't mentioned it earlier, I haven't been under this weight since junior high school, way back in the early nineties ... Wow! That's like 20 years of carrying around this unwanted flubber ... what was I thinking!!!!

I can across the piece of brilliant inspiration the other day and I thought I would share .... it's kind of like that saying about 'how do you eat an elephant? ... one spoonful at a time' but I thought that one was probably not appropriate for a weight loss blog!  Anyway, it's so true ... you can do it ... just take the first step!  If you're trying to lose weight to, why don't you send me some feedback about your progress.

Day 4 ... Survived!

So I survived day 4 and I have to say I actually think things are getting easier.  I use to think it was impossible to lose weight.  When you are feeling this way, remember this great (and true) saying;

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Day 4 - Hump Day

On the menu for day 4 is the following;

Day 4 Breakfast 2 slices dry toast, 2 poached eggs
Lunch fresh fruit (any amount)
Dinner 2 hard boiled eggs, salad, grapefruit

I don't know about you guys, but all these eggs!  They are driving my crazy ... I like eggs, but at some point enough is enough!

Anyway, here we go!

Day 3 In The Bag

I find myself wanting more food today ...  All that is listed in the menu is;

Day 3 Breakfast Grapefruit, 1 boiled egg
Lunch 2 boiled eggs and tomatoes
Dinner 2 Grilled lamb chops, celery & cucumber

The food today was pretty good, but I want more.  To top it off my two boys ate chocolate frogs in front of me ... I've never considered stealing candy from a baby, but today I came close!

Although I'm feeling a little hungry, I believe my energy levels are starting to improve which is good.  4 days to go and I can't wait to see my final number.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Food ... Glorious Food

Isn't it amazing how appealing food is when someone tells you you can't have something.  I have noticed how good things smell and taste.  Let me know if you guys are going through something similar.

Two Days In .... it's getting hard!

I must admit that as I type this update ... I'm hungry!  Very hungry!

You see, it is at about this time of the day that I would normally reach for a snack.  Today however, i have decided to do something a bit more positive and reach out to my keyboard to share my experience.  I won't lie to you, this dieting thing is hard!

So far today, all I have had to eat it is;

1 x Grapefruit
1 x Egg
100g x Roast Chicken
2 x Tomatoes

I am feeling a little tired, but hanging in there.  I guess this is the part that my body essentially has to burn fat in order for me to get the energy I need to keep going ... I can't believe I will be doing this for another 5 days ... I must admit though, I can't wait to jump on those scales and record my numbers ... Biggest Loser style.


I'm not really sure about exercise.  I know I need to do it, but to be honest - I hate it!  What possible enjoyment can someone get from "pumping iron"? I don't mind a walk ... you know ... from point A to point B, but that's about it.

I go swimming when I'm hot, I ride a bike when I need to get there quicker than walking - don't get me started about treadmills ... Let's face it ... I just hate exercise!

Now that I have had my little dummy spit and rant.  I have decided to adopt the Nike motto

.... JUST DO IT! .....

I may not like it ... but I need to just do it ... If I am to get fit an healthy it is simply unavoidable and essential particularly if I want to become a fat burning machine!  So what's the plan I hear you say;

Step 1:  Start moving ... walking daily for at least 30 minutes (probably of an afternoon).

This is hard for me which I know sounds ridiculous.  You see I am up at 5.30am feeding my boys breakfast, ironing clothes, having showers and generally getting ready to go to work.  At work I need to  look professional and there is no way I can duck out to work, shower and be back in my work clothes, then I get hom, usually at 6.00pm just in time to bath the kids, make the family dinner and get the household ready for bed ... then I drop from exhaustion ..... WOW ... how good am I at coming up with excuses ... Like I said at the beginning .... JUST DO IT Wes!!!! Fit it in, you're worth it and it will save your life!!!

Step 2:  Get Wet .... I have a pool, use it at least every second day!

I don't mind a dip when it's hot so maybe I should convert a casual dip into a bit of a more vigorous swim ... time will tell.

Step 3:  Embed Steps 1 and 2 into my normal routine

I have come to a conclusion that the only real way to lose weight is not fad diets (even though I am on one) but is to have a long term routine that make a lasting change and a lasting difference ... Obviously there is no point going through all the sacrifice, just to go back to old habits as soon as the official dieting period ends.

Step 1 starts tonight when I'm home from work so I will let you know how that little adventure goes.

Day 1 ... Progress Update

OK ... I'm surviving ... Just!

I will be honest ... it's tough ... I can't even begin to imagine how difficult it must be to quit something like smoking.  You know how it is, it comes to around 2pm and you reach for that mid afternoon sweet snack to give you that energy boost to get you across the line ... Well that wasn't there for me today!

I don't feel hungry, I just feel that I am missing out on the sugar.  I think my addiction is sugar more so than chocolate.  But anyway, I determined to make this work and I'm taking one day at a time.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

First Official Weigh In

Today is my first official weigh in .....

107.7 kgs (237lbs)

Holy crap I'm fat! ....

They say any journey starts with a first step.  I consider this my first step on my journey.  I hope that you can come on this amazing ride with me.  I'll post a photo at some stage if I'm brave enough.

7 day chemical diet

They say you can lose 6.5kgs (14lbs) in a week ... I'm not so sure, but I am going to give it a crack this week.  I love all of the foods listed her with the exception of Grapefruit, so we'll see how I go.

As I understand it, the basis of this diet is chemical and if I follow the diet to the letter for one week I should lose 6.5kgs (14lbs) on average (and possibly up to 9kgs, or 20lbs at best case scenario).

So what's on the menu?

Day 1 Breakfast 1 slice dry toast and grilled tomatoes
Lunch Fresh fruit (any amount)
Dinner 2 hard boiled eggs, salad, grapefruit

Day 2 Breakfast Grapefruit, 1 boiled egg
Lunch Roast chicken (any amount) & tomatoes
Dinner Grilled steak and salad

Day 3 Breakfast Grapefruit, 1 boiled egg
Lunch 2 boiled eggs and tomatoes
Dinner 2 Grilled lamb chops, celery & cucumber

Day 4 Breakfast 2 slices dry toast, 2 poached eggs
Lunch fresh fruit (any amount)
Dinner 2 hard boiled eggs, salad, grapefruit

Day 5 Breakfast 1 slice dry toast, 2 poached eggs
Lunch 2 poached eggs & tomatoes
Dinner Fresh or tinned fish and salad

Day 6 Breakfast 1 boiled egg, 1 glass grapefruit juice
Lunch Fresh fruit (any amount)
Dinner Roast chicken, cabbage, carrots

Day 7 Breakfast 2 scrambled eggs, grilled tomatoes
Lunch 2 Poached eggs& spinach
Dinner Grilled steak & salad

Abstain from anything not mentioned.
Eat only what is shown or do without.
No substitutions allowed.
No eating between meals
No alcohol
No butter milk or fat

Drinks = black tea, black coffee, lemon tea, grapefruit juice, tonic, soda water or water only
Salad = lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes and celery only


It all begins today!

Hi Folks ... It all begins today!

I am going to post my exact weight shortly ... this will be interesting so stay tuned!  I am also going to have a crack at something called the chemical diet again I will post in a few minutes.  At the end of the day, i'll let you know how I have gone and if I have cheated or not .....

Wish me luck ... I'm going to need it!


Saturday, November 24, 2012

No More Chocolate!

I'm not sure I mentioned it earlier, but for me, it's no more chocolate ... you see I use to work for a large chocolate maker and chocolate was a huge part of my life.  I don't drink, I don't smoke, I don't eve gamble, but I do (or did) eat chocolate ... and lots of it!  In a way, I guess chocolate is my vice, my comfort food, the thing I turn to in my moments of weakness ...

But not anymore ... if I only make one change, it will be to not eat anymore chocolate ... this alone should make me lose weight?  Here's hoping anyway!

Friday, November 23, 2012

Getting Prepared To Loose Weight

Someone wise and knowledgable once said .... "if you fail to plan, then you plan to fail" .... Great advice as I prepare for my own personal weight loss challenge.

Some of the things that I will be planning over this weekend to get prepared include;

1. Getting rid of all the crap and temptation (and that doesn't mean eating all of it .... although I may eat some of it ... This is a hard decision though as I am only one member in a family of four.  The rest of the family is not on a diet and I don't want to make them suffer!

2. Writing my goals down ... everywhere ... like on the fridge, in my bed room, on the mirror in the bathroom, back of the door in the toilet, in the car ... everywhere ... to remind myself whenever I am tempted that whatever it is that I'm tempted to eat is just not worth it.

3.  Create an exercise plan .... which I will post shortly ...

4.  Tell everyone what I'm doing ... no doubt I will need their support soon and it would be great to have someone to lean on for understanding when I want Peanut M&Ms .... mmmmmm chocolate ....

If you are thinking of losing weight, but you're not yet ready then consider starting by coming up with a plan.  Map out the steps for your own weight loss journey in preparation for the beginning of your own journey.

Welcome to Fat Wes

Hello world and welcome to Fat Wes.  This blog over the next few weeks and months will document my struggle to lose weight.

Currently I weigh about 110 kgs, or 243 lbs ... either way a lot, and I'm no longer happy about it.  I am no longer happy when I look in the mirror and see what I see and things need to change now!

My Weight Loss Goals

My ultimate goal is to weigh 80 kgs (176 lbs).  To help me get there I have 5 mini goals to help me achieve this;

1.  Set small weight loss goals ... 1st goal is to get under 100kgs, then 90kgs etc.
2.  Move more ... I have an office job and I sit down to much at both work and home ... this needs to change.
3.  Drink more water ..... seriously Wes ... drink more water!
4.  Share what I know ... sharing is caring and if I can make a small difference in someone else's life along the way, then great!
5.  Positively reward myself ... ie., as I achieve my goals, reward myself with something nice (but not food and especially not chocolate ...... mmmmm chocolate .... )

Life is all about choices and I choose life .... I want to be a fitter and healthier version of me.  I want to be a better husband to my beautiful wife and a better Dad to my amazing kids.

The journey begins now!  I hope you can come along for the ride. If so, follow my journey through the blog, on Facebook, Twitter and soon YouTube!

Thanks for your support.
